Saturday, December 20, 2008

Almost Winter

Tomorrow is the first day of Winter though it's been wintery for some time. I had a gut feeling that this was going to be a long and hard winter.

It's cold and grey today. It's hard to find the light to snap photos. Though, I must admit I'm out of the habit of taking pictures and writing about what's going on. Here is a hat I made out of my own hand spun. There's the roving, the yarn and then the finished product. It's ginormous. I'm probably going to felt it somewhat so it fits better, though it pains me to felt my hand spun. It's Icelandic wool and mohair. It weighs a ton.

I've gone through or seem to be going through a phase of losing things. I've lost so many files on my computer and most all of my photos. I've misplaced lots of things around the house, too. I bought this wonderful simple wrap skirt pattern from Etsy. I remember telling myself to put it "somewhere safe." I have yet to find it. I've been trying to sort through my studio/office. There seems to be so much to get in order that I get overwhelmed at times. Until one of my friends reminded me: What's the rush? Take your time.

That being said, I'll plug along. I hope to get some projects logged on Ravelry soon.

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